Thinking and acting sustainably
At Reismedia, we are consciously concerned with sustainability in all areas of the ESG spectrum. Starting with the “Governance” of our organization, an aspect that is frequently forgotten. Reismedia has a clear shareholder structure, has internal documents in place regarding employee rights and uses systems to ensure cyber security and privacy.
Furthermore, ‘Social’ is seen as hugely important within our organization. As an organization, we are in close contact with each other on a daily basis. As a result, we are quickly aware of the health, both physical and mental, of our employees. In addition, Reismedia is a diverse and inclusive company, and we also actively communicate this to the outside world and in internal reporting.
Finally, our focus on “Environmental. Our employees embrace public transportation for commuting and off-site appointments.
Furthermore, we try to minimize paper use and waste in our business operations. Although our business revolves around the aviation industry, and flying to certain destinations is therefore part of our business, we try to contribute to awareness around sustainability in the aviation and travel industry. We do this by inviting speakers at our events and highlighting sustainability in our news articles and in our magazines.
Rob Somsen
Reismedia Group

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